Faculty Profiles


Institute Director

Hormone regulation in cancer and  brain development.

Assistant Professor

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Phage-host interaction and CRISPR biotechnology.

Assistant Professor

Deputy Director for Resources and Facilities

Molecular genetics and genomics of plant abiotic stress response.


Deputy Director for Research and Extension

Functional insect genomics and metagenomics.



Developmental processes and sensory receptors.



Probing novel non-hotspot mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressors

Associate Professor

Genome mining of biosynthetic gene clusters in novel bacteria.

Associate Professor

Immune responsive processes and tardigrade genetics.

Associate Professor

Structure and biophysics of integrins and chaperone proteins. 

Associate Professor

Aquatic organisms as animal and plant models.

Associate Professor

Chromatin folding and dynamics, biomaterials, and clinical proteomics.​

Assistant Professor

Bacteria cooperation and evolution dynamics