Nurturing a nature of Excellence
As the country's premier degree granting institute in the fields of molecular biology and biotechnology, UPD NIMBB aims to cultivate the next generation of Filipino scientists who will push the envelope of science to the forefront.
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NIMBB Study Maps the Mitochondrial Genome of the Eggplant Fruit and Shoot Borer
In a study published in Insects by MDPI, NIMBB researchers, Mr. Joshua Despabiladeras and Dr. Ma. Anita Bautista sequenced and analyzed the complete mitogenome of Leucinodes orbonalis. The main objective was to create a reference assembly of this pest's mitochondrial genome and use that information to determine where it fits in the evolutionary tree of crambid moths, a group that includes many agricultural pests.
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NIMBB Trainings: Basic Molecular Biology Techniques Training
The UP Diliman National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (UPD NIMBB) will be conducting a series of hands-on training sessions in basic molecular biology techniques from December 14-16, 2024.
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MBB 196 Undergraduate Seminar: Who’s that protein? The evolution of protein-protein docking computational methods

While working on those gains in the gym and getting your dose of protein from chicken breasts, have you ever wondered what exactly those “muscle gaining” molecules actually look like? Well, look no further, because with protein-protein docking, you don’t need to keep wondering.

Be our valentines this February 14 and explore the evolution of protein-protein docking computational methods in an MBB 196 Undergraduate Seminar entitled “Who’s that protein? The evolution of protein-protein docking computational methods” to be held at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB) Room 105 on February 14, 2025, at 1:00 PM.


MBB 196 Undergraduate Seminar: Peeling Back: Exploring SCoT Markers for Agricultural Innovation

From the farm to the table, innovations in the agricultural sector are rooted in molecular research. As such, molecular markers are crucial in establishing the genetic variety of everyday food like bananas!

Learn more about genetic markers and their applications in an MBB 196 Undergraduate Seminar entitled “Peeling Back: Exploring SCoT Markers for Agricultural Innovation,” to be held at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB) Room 105 this coming Friday, February 07, 2025, at 1:00 PM.


NIMBB Forums: Roles of Microbiome in Weight Gain, Obesity, and Diabetes

What do the members of our gut microbiome do while in our gastrointestinal tract and how do they represent our health status? Join Dr. Bernadette Bagon as she concludes her Balik Scientist Seminar Series with this seminar on gut microbiome and its roles on metabolic health, specifically obesity and diabetes.

Register through the provided link or QR code for this hybrid seminar, to be held on February 17, 2025 (10 AM), onsite at NIMBB Rm. 107 and online via Zoom.


Job Opportunity: Project Technical Assistant V

The successful applicant will be a part of the DOST-funded project entitled “Cell-based ADMET Assays” under the program “Derisking the Tuklas Lunas Pipelines: ADMET Assays for Bridging Efficacy and Safety (ADMET Phase 2)”. The project is part of the nationwide consortium on drug discovery and development and is in collaboration with laboratories across the country.


MS Thesis Defense: Lemuel Gomez

You are all invited to the MS Thesis Defense of Lemuel Gomez of MEL. He will be presenting his work entitled: “Probing the role of neuropeptide-modifying enzyme peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) in the induction and maintenance of neuroendocrine prostate cancer”

Date and Time: Dec. 17, 2024, 1 PM
Place: NIMBB Room 107



NIMBB Study Maps the Mitochondrial Genome of the Eggplant Fruit and Shoot Borer

In a study published in Insects by MDPI, NIMBB researchers, Mr. Joshua Despabiladeras and Dr. Ma. Anita Bautista sequenced and analyzed the complete mitogenome of L. orbonalis. The main objective was to create a reference assembly of this pest’s mitochondrial genome and use that information to determine where it fits in the evolutionary tree of crambid moths, a group that includes many agricultural pests.

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NIMBB extends training to Tertiary-Level Faculty and Industry Professionals in Basic Molecular Biology Techniques Workshop

The National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at UP Diliman (NIMBB-UPD) conducted a three-day training on basic molecular biology techniques from July 20-22, 2024. Aimed at empowering researchers from various state universities and colleges (SUCs) and private institutions, the workshop targeted faculty members and industry researchers with minimal to no experience in molecular biology laboratory techniques.

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Job Opportunity: Project Technical Assistant V

The successful applicant will be a part of the DOST-funded project entitled “Cell-based ADMET Assays” under the program “Derisking the Tuklas Lunas Pipelines: ADMET Assays for Bridging Efficacy and Safety (ADMET Phase 2)”. The project is part of the nationwide consortium on drug discovery and development and is in collaboration with laboratories across the country.

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