National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
University of the Philippines, Diliman

NIMBB Website

MBB 196 Undergraduate Seminar: Who’s that protein? The evolution of protein-protein docking computational methods

While working on those gains in the gym and getting your dose of protein from chicken breasts, have you ever wondered what exactly those “muscle gaining” molecules actually look like? Well, look no further, because with protein-protein docking, you don’t need to keep wondering.

Be our valentines this February 14 and explore the evolution of protein-protein docking computational methods in an MBB 196 Undergraduate Seminar entitled “Who’s that protein? The evolution of protein-protein docking computational methods” to be held at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB) Room 105 on February 14, 2025, at 1:00 PM.

PS: You can bring your valentine’s date if you like.